

WXYZ Editorial: Forgotten Harvest fighting hunger in Southeast Michigan

Editorial on why Forgotten Harvest and partners are fighting hunger in S.E. MI
7 Gives Back

WXYZ DETROIT — Metro Detroit is riding an incredible wave. There’s been so much excitement here watching the community come together. We also come together when there’s a big need such as helping families across this region get access to nutritious groceries and quality food.

According to Feeding America, nearly 1.5 million people in Michigan are facing hunger. That’s 1 in 7 people. Food insecurity among Michigan children is estimated at more than 378 thousand. One in six kids struggle to have ample food on their tables.

Consumers continue to be hit hard with skyrocketing costs at the grocery stores, gas stations, retail outlets, and when they attempt to pay their monthly bills. But that’s where Forgotten Harvest has stepped in to make a difference. As Detroit’s largest food rescue organization, they travel Southeast Michigan daily picking up high-quality food from more than 500 food donors. Then it distributes those 144 thousand pounds of clean and repacked surplus food to deserving people and food pantries.

Here at Channel 7, it’s more than reporting what’s going on, it’s being part of the solution and giving a voice to the voiceless. That’s why we devoted Wednesday as our Day of Giving Back, to raise money for Forgotten Harvest. With a matching donation from all of us here at Channel 7, the Scripps Howard Fund, along with Cynthia and Edsel Ford, we raised tens of thousands of dollars. But the need is great and there’s still time to donate. Just go to Scan the code or text the letters WXYZ to 5-0-1-5-5.

By teaming up together, we can make a substantial impact in Metro Detroit.

I’m Mike Murri, V.P. & General Manager
Broadcast: July 25 - 28, 2024