WXYZ DETROIT — It’s time to focus on the August 4th Michigan Primary. In less than three weeks, voters will be asked to make important decisions on a wide range of candidates and issues, depending on where you live. Now is the best time to become familiar with your local ballot.
First question: Are you officially registered to vote? If not, this Monday, July 20th, is the last day to register in any manner OTHER than in-person with your local clerk. From July 21st through Election Day, Michigan law allows you to register in-person with proper identification. But with the COVID-19 pandemic still a big health concern, some may want to opt for registering by mail or e-mail.
You also have options for how you can cast your ballot in the primary election. Up to 5:00 p.m. on July 31st, electors may obtain an absentee voter ballot via First Class mail. Up to 4:00 p.m. on August 3rd, you can pick up an absentee ballot in person. And once again, you can register and vote in-person on Election Day.
Summer elections have never been as popular as the November fall election. Along with the nice weather comes a lot of distractions for the average person. But the August 4th Primary is a vital step in the electoral process. It narrows down the field of political candidates. And it requests voter ballot decisions on city and county tax referendums, millage renewals and education-related issues.
In a very real sense, these are the kind of ballot choices that directly affect most of our everyday lives. To be a well-informed and prepared voter on Tuesday, August 4th, go to the “Election 2020” section of wxyz.com.
And remember, every vote matters!
I’m Mike Murri, V.P. & General Manager
Broadcast: July 16 - 19, 2020