

WXYZ Editorial: TV-7 salutes higher education graduates


WXYZ DETROIT — May is a popular time of year for college commencements. By tradition, it’s a time to pause and pay tribute to the many graduates who have earned their degrees, sometimes against the greatest of odds.

After many long hours in classes, study groups, and test-taking sessions, an important academic journey has ended. An individual goal has been reached and another chapter of success has been written. The stories of achievement are different from person-to-person and family-to-family. But there is one common denominator, it’s time to celebrate and reflect on what it took to get that valued degree.

It’s also a time to say, thank you, to the professors, family members, and friends who supported the graduates along their journey. None of us made it through school without a helping hand. We all remember the person who pushed us a little harder and gave us encouragement to keep going when the road got tough.

Now it’s time to reap the benefits of your hard work. For some, that will lead to another institution of post graduate study. For others, it will mean entering the workplace to begin building your professional career. Whatever direction you’re headed, think of this as an exciting opportunity to explore the world around you. With your knowledge and experiences, you have a chance to make a positive difference for yourself, your loved ones, and your community. Follow your dreams…. Your future is bright, and your talents are needed.

Congratulations to all the college, university, and vocational school graduates and their families.

I’m Mike Murri, V.P. & General Manager
Broadcast: May 19 - 22, 2022