May is National Teacher Appreciation Month. These dedicated professionals spend countless hours preparing our young people for the future. And for the 38th consecutive year, this weekend in May also represents a very special and unique tradition here at WXYZ-TV Broadcast House. Roughly 200 graduating seniors, taught by these great teachers, will join their parents and guardians as Southeast Michigan’s Brightest & Best students!
It is a Channel 7 event that gives us tremendous joy. We are honored to highlight the academic achievements of these hardworking, extremely talented, men and women from very diverse backgrounds. They are extraordinary students from all over this region. Their dedication throughout high school has finally paid off and they are now well positioned for the next chapter of their lives. These students represent the future of our state and country.
Many of them, along with their loved ones, have made great sacrifices and have overcome unbelievable challenges to get to this point. That’s why we’re taking time this summer to publicly salute these outstanding students. As a station, heavily invested in this community, we want to do all we can to encourage them to reach their full potential. You too can learn more about his year’s scholars by searching the hashtag #BrightestAndBest.
Musician B.B. King once said, “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
Keep going forward! Shoot for the stars and chase your dreams! We salute all of the graduates and the Brightest & Best Class of 2017!
I’m Mike Murri, Vice President & General Manager
Broadcast: May 11 - 14, 2017