

Oxford student weighs in on gun bills coming to Michigan after second school shooting

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(WXYZ) — Dylan Morris was 17 years old, a junior at Oxford High School when he experienced what he calls his first school shooting.

"So we all started barricading the door and our teacher started dialing the office and I will never forget the look on her face of terror," said Morris. "I didn’t know if I would make it out, we didn’t know where the shooter was inside the school, we didn’t know if our classroom was next."

Four of Dylan's classmates didn't make it out that day.

15 months later three other students would also die from a school shooting, this time 60 some miles away at Michigan State University.

Dylan commented, "My classmates and I were pushed into action, we were furious that this was happening again."

Dylan started a non-profit "No Future Without Today" to try and ensure that gun violence stops happening.

He's also an avid supporter of the 11-bill gun safety package expected to be brought before the Michigan Legislature this week.

The 11 bill are split up into three sets covering three different topics.

The first set of bills would require universal background checks to close the private sale loophole.

Dylan said, "Changing one word in the background check law from 'handgun' to 'firearm,' to make sure that we’re covering long guns and assault weapons."

The second set of bills would create child access protection laws to keep legal firearms securely stored and out of the hands of children.

"This could have been a huge factor in the Oxford shooting," said Dylan. "If it would have been in place it could have either prevented the Oxford shooting or given us a way to convict the parents afterwards."

The Third set would allow the court to issue an "extreme risk protection order" to take temporary possession of a firearm if the court finds that an individual is at risk of harming themselves or others.

Republicans who oppose the bills like Michigan Representative Doug Wozniak say that current gun laws need to be enforced better, not altered, and that the weapon isn't the problem but the mental health of the person holding it is.

"I think it has to do with the rights that inherently are in the constitution, said Representative Wozniak. "I think trying to control people by taking away their rights is just not the right thing to do."

Dylan said, "We need to be advocating for these sensible gun reforms as well as making sure that community members have affordable quality access to this care. It can’t fall on the survivors to do this work."