

Parents, kids are using these subscription services for back-to-school clothes shopping

Posted 11:03 AM, Aug 30, 2019
and last updated 11:50 AM, Aug 30, 2019

(WXYZ) — When it comes to back to school clothing, if you're the parent of a picky dresser, your job is that much harder.

So 7 Action News Reporter Ameera David is taking a look at the new companies springing up to help you save time and money, allowing your kids to try before they buy!

Kids can get be awfully picky about brands and styles, so instead some parents are choosing to outsource the shopping.

In a world where kids unboxing new clothing on YouTube is getting thousands of views from other kids, parents are battling with children who really care about what they wear.

So instead of facing big crowds or long hours in the store, parents are turning to clothing subscription services who do the styling for them.

Introducing Stitch Fix.

For kids, that is! The same company that's been offering clothing to mom and dad, is now catering to their kids. Simply fill out a Stitch Fix profile, describing your kids personality and a personal stylist will send you a box of items that you can pair into trendy outfits.

There is a $20 styling fee, but that gets credited back if you make a purchase. Keep the whole box and get 25 percent off.

"A lot of people are feeling more comfortable to be themselves, so they try to express themselves through their clothing, their outfit," said Evelyn, a student heading back to school.

Evelyn Brockenshire is exactly the kind of gal, competitor service, KidPik is targeting. It's for girls only, with no styling fee. Free shipping and returns. Keep the entire box and you get 30 percent off.

And then, there's KidBox. Also no styling fee. Refer a friend who buys? They'll get $25 off, then you get $25 off your own order.

Keep the whole box, and you get up to 50 percent off, plus, the company donates a piece of clothing to a charity of your choosing

The cool thing about all three of the services mentioned is that you can change the frequency of how often you receive the boxes. And you can cancel at anytime, so it's commitment free!

Keep that in mind so you don't waste your money.