(WXYZ) — The newest generation of babies were welcomed into the world Wednesday. Generation Beta is estimated to make up at least 16% of the global population by 2035, according to one researcher, McCindle.
For Harper Woods resident Chiquita Anthony, it was a New Year's like no other.
"This was a complete shock," said Anthony. "Either way, I like to spend New Year's with my kid, so this just makes it that much better."

Her baby, Amarah, made her appearance into the world exactly at midnight, weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces at Corewell Hospital in Dearborn.
"She was so stubborn, and she just - she didn't want to come down or come out. It was a struggle, so she decided when she wanted to do everything," said Anthony.
Her original due date was December 30.
"I was thinking maybe further along in January, but not a New Year's baby," said Anthony.
But she still wouldn't have had it any other way.
"I love it. It's one of the best things ever," said Anthony.
Amarah and other New Year's babies, like Christopher Gray OF Ypsilanti, born 18 minutes after midnight,

and Ella Wilson of New Baltimore, born 39 minutes after midnight at Trinity Health Michigan,

are all part of the new generation Beta.
"With each generation, babies come out more advanced and doing more than the next, so I'm curious to see how this generation is," said Anthony.