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Motor City Match recipients say program is making dreams of entrepreneurship come true


DETROIT (WXYZ) — Detroit City Leaders and the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation awarded more than $1.5 million in grants to new Detroit businesses during Motor City Match’s Round 22 awards ceremony Tuesday.

A press release said the grants are used to help new businesses transform vacant commercial space and spur additional growth and investment in Detroit neighborhoods. Additionally, $467,300 in grants has been awarded to 20 established businesses to facilitate necessary renovations to their current spaces, thanks to funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.

“Now I am able to open my own brick and mortar thanks to Motor City Match, the Jessie Feliz Learning Center, so we can increase the rate of bilingualism in the black community,” said Feliz.

She plans to renovate a building on Schoolcraft in the Brightmoor neighborhood with the grant money. She says if you want to be or are an entrepreneur in Detroit, the Motor City Match program can coach you to a sustainable future.

“You too can become an entrepreneur, and literally you just have to be committed to it. Whatever you put your mind to you can do it,” said Feliz

 “The Garden Bug was birthed out of necessity because there are no garden centers in Detroit,” said Tina Castleberry. 

Castleberry opened the First Black female-owned and operated garden center in the City of Detroit with now 2 locations.

The Motor City Match program is providing $65,000 to renovate and improve her locations.

“Being born in the city, I think the numbers are stacked against you, but with a little bit of money and a whole lot of faith, you have blessed my dream. So thank you,” she said.

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