ROMULUS, Mich. (WXYZ) — Traveling with kids can be likened to an Olympic sport at times, and for parents with kids who struggle with sensory issues, it can add an extra level of stress for everyone.
Dr. Olivia Goeddeke is an occupational therapist who designed a new sensory room at Detroit Metro Airport. She says airports can be a lot to cope with, even for adults.

When some kids travel, they often feel not in control of their environment, which can lead to overstimulation, especially children with disabilities.
"A lot of people think that when a child is throwing a tantrum or somebody is not listening, they are just misbehaved, but a lot of that can stem from sensory sensitivities." Goeddeke said.

Nine-year-old Gwendolyn Burke says she's so excited to go to Disney World in two months, and a room like this makes her feel more comfortable knowing that if she starts to feel overwhelmed, there is a quiet place she can go to recoup.
"I obviously loved the tree and the bubbles. Actually, I loved everything. It's hard to say just one!" Gwen said.
Hear more from Gwendolyn in the video player below:
Goeddeke says everything from the sensory wall when you first walk in to the the fiberoptic beanbag- every element of the room was designed with intention.
So if you happen to be passing through the Detroit Metro Airport and your child starts getting over stimulated, there's a place designed just for them.

"A space like this just allows them to come and reset their system and have that chance to continue on," Goeddeke said.