

Porch job turns into contractor nightmare


A smooth talking contractor has left a disabled woman with a job half done and now she's worried about her safety.

Sharon DuMas needed her porch repaired. She got hooked up with John Barrett of Barrett Construction because he was a friend of the family. 

When DuMas met with Barrett, she says he seemed legit and knew all the right things to say. He even had a professional looking business card. 

Barrett quoted her $1100.00 for the job. She gave him $550.00 up front, the rest to be paid when the work was complete. 

Days after handing over her money, DuMas says the trouble started. Barrett kept delaying the work. He eventually showed up and started the work, but then disappeared again.

DuMas is disabled following an accident and has to use a walker and wheelchair to get around. Not being able to access her front porch has her concerned for her safety. She's reached out to other contractors, but they've quoted her a much higher price to finish the job and she can't afford it.

Click on the video player to watch Ronnie Dahl's full report and to see what the contractor had to say.

The state of Michigan has resources to check contractor licenses. Click here to find out more and conduct a search.

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