

Dearborn Police fatally shoot man after Al Huda mosque arson

Suspect acted alone says Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud

DEARBORN, Mich. (WXYZ) — Dearborn police pursued and killed an armed suspect after allegedly shooting at the officers.

According to the Police, it all started when officers responded to a fire at the Al-Huda Islamic Association on the city’s northeast side.

At about 1:20 am, the president of the association, Mansoor Mashrah, was alerted of a situation at the place of worship.

"The Dearborn finest and god bless them for all the great work they are doing, and the fire department were here. By the time I got here, they already had the fire contained," said Mansoor Mashrah, Founder and president of Al-Huda Islamic Association

A patrol unit spotted a fire at the Islamic center, and upon arrival, they encountered an armed individual.

This led to a pursuit southbound along Lonyo Avenue, where the suspect was asked to drop his weapon but instead fired at the officers.

This resulted in the police returning fire that killed the suspect.

In an official statement, Dearborn Police Chief Issa Shahin says, “This was a tragic incident for our faith community and the Dearborn community overall that unfortunately led to a loss of life. I commend our officers for responding with the utmost professionalism and courage to protect the community from imminent danger.”

"I don’t care if it's a synagogue, a mosque, a church. It’s a place of worship, it should a place of safe haven, it should be a place of peace," said Mansoor Mashrah, Founder and president of Al-Huda Islamic Association.

Taking to Facebook, the newly elected Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud said that the suspect acted alone and may have been experiencing mental health issues. That's why the authorities believe there are no imminent threats to any other houses of worship.

In an official statement, CAIR Michigan’s staff attorney, Amy Doukoure says, “Any time a place of worship is attacked it is frighting not just for the community that is attacked but for all persons of faith.”

"As soon as the fire went in, and the sprinkler system worked and contained the fire, but a lot of the water was on the ground and seeped into the carpeting in the women’s section," said Mansoor Mashrah, Founder and president of Al-Huda Islamic Association.

Meanwhile, Mansoor says this tragic event will not deter the association's goal of spreading the message of love and peace regardless of what faith people practice.

"We were busy during the pandemic doing food drives, we are doing all the vaccinations free for the community, we do the best for the community, and it's hard two believe that something like this can happen to a place of worship," said Mansoor Mashrah, Founder and president of Al-Huda Islamic Association.

Detroit Police Department and Michigan State Police will be investigating this incident further as it occurred outside Dearborn city limits.