DETROIT (WXYZ) — When Anthony Adams announced he was running for Detroit Mayor Tuesday morning, he made no mention that he was Deputy Mayor under Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
Adams had strong words for 8-year incumbent Mayor Mike Duggan that included, “4 more years of secrecy in government to spend your money as he pleases.”
Roll the clock back to 2008 when Kilpatrick was in the middle of his first major legal scandal, perjury, and text messages to prove it.
The Detroit City Council was about to vote on how to oust Kilpatrick when Adams told reporters, “For council to consider that clearly means this is politically motivated.”
Adams is a Detroit attorney and tells 7 Action News, “sometimes people don’t speak in public. I’m from the old school of politics. You go up with the ship and you kind of go down with the ship.”
Kilpatrick was convicted in 2013 in the largest corruption case in Detroit history. His 28-year sentence was commuted by then-President Trump and he got out last week.
Adams says he hasn’t talked with Kilpatrick but wishes him well. Adams says their connection can work against him and for him as many in Detroit still support Kilpatrick.
Adams says he held city operations up while Mayor Kilpatrick was going down, “18, 19 hours a day making sure the wheels didn’t completely fall off.”
Mayor Duggan’s campaign office gave 7 Action News this statement:
Detroiters will have a chance to decide whether they rehire Mayor Duggan. We expect a number of people to enter the race for Mayor of Detroit. Mayor Duggan has strong support across our city and is focused on bringing more opportunities to our city and our neighborhoods.
Detroit still has not heard from Kilpatrick. He’s been with family in Georgia since his release from prison. He can’t run for Mayor but he could back someone.