DETROIT (WXYZ) — While some metro Detroiters were excited to see the city reveal the new Detroit Gateway sign, others were disappointed, thinking it would have been bigger or more eye-catching.
"Make it stand out a little more. It looks a little frail," said Conrad Henderson, who parked on the I-94 service drive so he could get a closer look and take pictures.

"I love it. I really love it," said Carmen Perez, who lives on the side of the freeway where the sign sits about 50 feet away from where her daughter lives.
Video below shows the sign on Tuesday, the day the letter installation was completed:
On social media, there were a lot of references to the city ordering a sign that looked like it came from Temu. Others said the font used fell short of expectations.
"What in the 1990s Microsoft Word font is this Temu sign," MI Coney posted on Facebook.
Back in February, a city official did say it was going to be like the Hollywood sign in California but smaller. And although it doesn't look very different from the rendering the city released, another computer-generated image someone posted on social media gave people the impression that it was going to be huge.
See the sign being made in the video player below:
That image also included terrain that just doesn't look anything like the area selected for the sign.
Detroit rapper Gmac Cash even wrote a song about it Tuesday night after a lot of people sent him messages to write one about their disappointment.

"That looks like a Dollar Tree sign," Gmac Cash told 7 Action News.
But the sign does have its fans.

"The sign is great," said Louis Lenart, who stopped by to take pictures with his wife Joyce. "This way when people come into the city, they know where they're at. They're in Detroit. The big D! It's about time."