

Purse snatcher gets away after bump from cruiser


Dramatic police dash cam video from Ferndale shows a police officer in hot pursuit of a purse snatcher.

The purse snatcher is on a bike and the officer is closing in on him.

His partner in crime has already made a clean get away

Ever so slightly the car bumps the bike, the perpetrator falls off, drops the purse and starts running.

The officer catches up to him again and just when you he you think he's got him, the guy gets away.

The suspect who took the purse is described as a black male with a very distinctive hairline.

The purse snatching happened early Sunday morning, when a woman was walking in the area of University of and Woodward.

One or suspects approached her, held a gun to her head told her he would kill her if she didn't give him her purse.

If you have any information in this case, you’re asked to contact Ferndale Police.