PONTIAC, Mich. (WXYZ) — The Baldwin Center, a lifeline in the Pontiac community, is at risk of shutting down because the donations that keep them afloat just aren’t coming in like they used to.
"It's heartbreaking because you go through life and you don't realize what people are going through. You can't tell a person's struggles just by looking at them. But so many people are having a hard time just meeting the bare minimum necessities of having food, healthy food," said Asalyn Coachman, treasure on the board of directors at the Baldwin Center.

Board members at the Baldwin Center are working to keep their head above water, trying to provide basic needs to the community like food, clothes and an after school program for kids.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, board members report a small increase in support.

Now, the center is back to struggling to find funding and at risk of closing their doors for good.
Board members at the Baldwin Center said they know it isn’t just declining church attendance that is drying up their funding.
"What we're also seeing is an increase in need. Over the last six months, we've gone from 150 meals every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, hot meals served to we're hitting over 200 on a regular basis. So we're seeing the increase in the need, which may also be impacting giving," Baldwin Center Executive Director Elizabeth Longle said.

In order to continue to provide essential services to the community, the board is humbly asking the community to support the organization if they are able.