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Couple issues warning after woman's drink may have been drugged at Chelsea distillery

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CHELSEA, Mich. (WXYZ) — Nearly two months into the investigation of a woman who was allegedly drugged at a bar in Chelsea, police say additional victims have since come forward, claiming the same thing happened to them.

Tonight, the woman who made the original claim is speaking about what she says happened, and the changes she wants to see made.

It’s not a story you expect to hear often, especially in a small quaint town like Chelsea, but Becky Smiedendorf and her husband say it did happen nearly 2 months ago - a night she can’t remember, but her husband will never forget.

“She doesn't remember being on her back and having just choked on her own vomit. I have that burned into my brain,” says Jeremy Smiedendorf.

It’s not easy for Becky and Jeremy Smiedendorf to sit down and discuss what happened two months ago after a Saturday moms’ night out in downtown Chelsea. It was a silent disco at Ugly Dog Distillery, where after 2 hours and a few sips into her third drink, things changed.

“Within about 5-10 minutes I started feeling really off, really off, and it was very different than anything I had ever experienced,” says Becky.

Within minutes Becky said she fell over, couldn’t walk, and began losing consciousness. The texts she sent to her husband, asking him to come get her, show how quickly things went downhill.

“When you’re young and you're new to drinking, we've all had those experiences where you had a little too much to drink and you know what that feels like, this was like being on a completely different planet,” she says.

As Jeremy went to pick up his wife of more than a decade, at the same place he had just dropped her off, he could barely hold her up, as she vomited.

“The whole time I’m like ‘how could you get this drunk in an hour and a half’ like this doesn't make any sense, this isn't you,” he says.

Eventually, Becky was rushed to the hospital and Jeremy suspected she may have been drugged, but says the hospital wasn’t equipped to test in time, and even then, drugs like GHB are hard to prove.

“Even at the time they didn’t take the drugging seriously and that’s part of the awareness, maybe they kind of did but everyone just chalk it up to drinking too much, that’s what everyone assumes,” he says.

In the weeks since the incident, the couple has been frustratingly waiting for answers. Both they and police have heard from more people, saying the same thing happened to them, but so far, no solid suspects. The distillery still hasn’t commented on the incident and declined to talk when I visited today.

“They’re not responsible, but I am very disappointed in their reaction to the whole situation, I would have expected at least some sort of acknowledgment that this allegedly happened, and this is what we’re doing about it,” Becky says.

The Smiedendorf’s are confident Becky’s drink was spiked with GHB, but given the lack of concrete evidence, aren’t hopeful anyone will be charged. They just want to spread awareness that this can happen, and hope victims are supported and believed, instead of shamed and doubted.

“Putting ourselves out there isn't something we’re doing for fun, we're putting it out there because it’s something that has to be known,” says Jeremy.

“I feel really pulled by just the trauma of this situation to spread awareness as far as I can because we have to break the silence on this stuff,” says Becky.

Police are not giving up on the case and say they continue to follow up on tips and have been reviewing security footage provided by Ugly Dog Distillery. If you have any information, you’re asked to contact Chelsea police at 734-475-9122.

Chelsea police say you should be aware and never leave food or drinks unattended.

If you think that something has been put in your food or drink:

  • Talk to someone you know and let them know right away.
  • Do not go anywhere alone or with anyone you do not know.
  • Seek medical care right away.
  • Alert the law enforcement agency where you believe the incident occurred.