

Students not allowed in library without adult during last weeks of school


The city of Dearborn says they’re hoping to manage increased usage at their libraries the last two weeks of school.

According to Director Maryann Bartles says more than 300 students will visit the library everyday the last two weeks of the semester in January and June, but noise has been a growing issue.

“A lot of students are chatting with each other, moving around the building. Some of them will study, most of them will study, but others will not," Bartles says.

Normally a staff member will ask them to leave if they can’t obey the rules, but the students don’t have rides.
“They're outside and we have to ask the police to talk to them because we get a lot of people outside the doors and others don't want to come in,” she says.

The new rules will go into effect June 5th.                                                           

                                                              New Guidelines

All students under the age of 18 are required to have parental supervision in all three library buildings. For every four students, at least one parent must stay in the building and supervise the group the entire time they are in a library.

Parents supervising students will have to speak to the staff and sign a form stating that they are responsible for the group and that they will monitor the students while they are in the library.

Additionally, all students must show school ID or other valid photo identification upon entering the building. To ensure that this is done, the library will post staff at the public entrance doors to greet people as they enter the building. Proper identification is required so that staff can take appropriate measures should any issues arise.