NewsRestaurant Report Card


Restaurant Report Card: Dexter

Posted 10:33 PM, Sep 11, 2019
and last updated 10:33 PM, Sep 11, 2019

DEXTER, Mich. (WXYZ) — It is Restaurant Report Card Wednesday.

This week 7 Action News reporter Andrea Isom went to Washtenaw County and took a handful of health inspections with her to the city of Dexter.

First, we roll on over to Red Brick Kitchen and Bar.

Last time the health inspector came, there were some things they pointed out - 4 priority violations, like:

  • ham, ribs and cheese held past the proper consume by date
  • hot food stored below the required temperature

Now we fork on over to the Fillmore Bar and Grill where this house is meant to feel like home.

It’s been coined: the hot new place in town.

It’s a new establishment in darling Dexter, but on its last health inspection 3 priority violations were pointed out.

One being:

  • packaged ground beef was found stored over whole cuts of beef and pork.

What’s the problem with that fact?

Raw animal products of higher cooking temps must be stored below and away from foods of lower cooking temps.

What’s all the hub bub about Dexter’s Pub? Maybe it’s the A on the Restaurant Report Card.

The pub has a lot of repeat customers for a number of reasons.

The Dexter Creamery also got an A on the Restaurant Report Card.

So, a big round of applause and kudos to that crew too.