ANN ARBOR, Mich. (WXYZ) — Workers in Ann Arbor now have a "Right to Sit" on the job.

Ann Arbor City Council voted unanimously to approve the new ordinance on Monday Night.

"I think that when we create more accessible and accommodating work environments for some, it just makes it more equitable and accommodating for everybody. What we found with the Right to Sit is that there's really economic implications, because then people apply for jobs that they otherwise thought they could never have, because maybe they have a bad back or they have bad knees," said Ann Arbor City Council Member Ayesha Ghazi Edwin.
The rule grants local workers the right to sit down on the job, as long as it doesn't interfere with their work duties.

"We know that there's many employers who treat their employees well and they allow them to sit, they might provide a stool. But there's also some who unfortunately, do not, including right here in Ann Arbor. So this legally protects the right for a worker to sit as long as it doesn't interfere with their essential duties of their job," said Edwin.
Ann Arbor is the first city in Michigan to pass this type of ordinance.
“I personally believe that if it doesn’t negatively impact your job, you absolutely should be able to have a little extra comfort in your day," said Angie Voiles, general manager of People's Food Co-op Ann Arbor.
Cashiers at the People's Food Co-op have stools to sit down on.
“It’s so wonderful to get your feet off the floor and just be able to greet people and feel relaxed doing that," said Kate Daum-Bost, cashier at the People's Food Co-op.