

Small population of invasive juvenile spotted lanternfly confirmed in Monroe County

Dept. of Agriculture warn's this insect could be detrimental to Ohio's wine industry
Posted at 1:11 PM, Jun 24, 2024

(WXYZ) — The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development confirmed the state's second detection of the invasive spotted lanternfly in Monroe County.

According to the state, a small population of juvenile spotted lanternfly was recently detected in Lambertville. The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed the findings last week.

“The infestation was detected through spotted lanternfly monitoring traps deployed by Michigan State University (MSU), as part of collaborative survey initiatives with MSU, MDARD, and the USDA,” MDARD’s Pesticide and Plant Pest Management Division Director. Steve Carlson said in a statement. “This work is a critical component of our ongoing efforts to identify and limit the spread of spotted lanternfly in Michigan.”

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive plant hopper native to eastern Asia. It was first found in the U.S. in 2014 and spread rapidly.

The state is now working with the USDA and others to assess the population and coordinate an appropriate response.

Spotted lanternfly has various life stages. Juveniles, known as nymphs, resemble small, wingless black to red beetles with white spots and are found in the early summer. Adults have gray to brown outer wings with black spots.

They move easily on firewood, trees, campers, vehicles and more. If you find one, you are encouraged to take photos, the date, time and location of the sighting and report it online to Eyes in the Field. [] Photos are necessary to verify a report and to aid in identification.

What can you do?

Everyone can help prevent the spread of spotted lanternfly. Remember to “See it. Squish it. Report it.” []

  • Check your vehicle: Before leaving a parking lot or work site, inspect vehicles for spotted lanternfly egg or insects. Check doors, sides, bumpers, wheel wells, grills, and roofs. Destroy any eggs or insects you find.
  • Park with windows closed: The spotted lanternfly and its nymphs can enter vehicles unsuspectedly. When parked, make sure to keep windows closed.
  • Remove and destroy pests: Crush nymphs and adult insects. Scrape egg masses into a plastic bag containing hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol to kill them.
  • Report sightings: Send in reports with photos to Eyes in the Field. Photos are necessary to verify a report and to aid in identification.