

Strong fall apple harvest forecast for Michigan orchards

Posted 12:35 PM, Aug 26, 2019
and last updated 12:35 PM, Aug 26, 2019

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — Michigan apple growers are expecting another strong showing this fall.

A crop estimate of 25.25 million bushels was announced Friday. That's about the same as the harvest in 2018.

Executive Director Diane Smith of the Michigan Apple Committee says the estimate is based on reports from various regions of a clean crop with good-sized fruit.

Smith says the cool, rainy spring and hot July weather provided favorable weather conditions.

Michigan apples typically are shipped from mid-August through the following June to more than 30 states and 18 nations.

The state has more than 11.3 million apple trees in commercial production, covering 35,500 acres on 825 farms.