DEARBORN, Mich. (WXYZ) — An alleged stolen car led Dearborn police on a mile-long chase while driving in reverse.
It happened Tuesday afternoon on Ford Road near Oakman Boulevard. Police tried stopping the suspect in the parking lot of Taystee's Burgers and a BP gas station. The suspect then reversed onto Ford Road and never stopped.
Watch dash camera video of the pursuit below:
The incident happened in the middle of the day with plenty of cars on the road and witnesses who saw it all.
“He backed up... reverse all the way down,” described Hussam Aburomman, who was in his car parked nearby. "Three police were facing the other way and he was reversing, not stopping.”

Sadij Mawri was walking into a store down the road as they chase went past.
"All of a sudden, I hear police sirens,” Mawri described. "I looked behind me as soon as I open the door and I see a car reversing the way it wasn't supposed to be going.”
The driver kept going backward as police followed, luckily avoiding collisions. Drivers passing by got out of the way and puzzled onlookers looked on.

“I was confused. I didn't know what was happening," Mawri said. "I was like, 'is he running away?' I've never seen a guy run away from the cops reversing.”
Finally after going about a mile, the driver gives up and police box him in. It was a serious incident, but no one was hurt. The driver was safely taken into custody and witnesses are still in awe of what they saw.

“He do got some nice reversing skills, I'll give him that,” Mawri said.
According to the dash camera audio, the car had Florida plates, but it’s unknown where it was stolen from. Police have not released the suspects name.