

Tips to help kids deal with back-to-school anxiety


With more kids going back to school on Tuesday and others having been back for a week or two, you may have noticed kids starting to get the back-to-school jitters already.

Psychologist Emily Mudd with the Cleveland Clinic Children's said feeling some anxiety ahead of the new school year is common.

"Back-to-school anxiety is totally normal. A lot of children experience it. Some typical signs that your child may be experiencing back-to-school anxiety, the most notable, obviously, is if they verbalize feeling anxious about it. Another sign might be if your child has more nightmares -- maybe their sleep is a little off," Mudd said.

To ease anxiety in the beginning of the year, Mudd encourages parents to first help their children figure out what's making them anxious and validate their feelings.

She said dismissing their worries or fears can actually make things worse.

If your child is anxious, Mudd said it's crucial for parents to work with their children and avoid letting them stay home because they're anxious.

'One of the worst things that we can do when a child has anxiety is to help them avoid the situation," Mudd said. "So, if we have our children stay home, if they're feeling nervous about it, their anxiety will actually get worse and will get harder. So, it's more important to arm your children with the skills that they need to manage their anxiety and not let them stay home."

If your child continues to struggle with anxiety, Mudd said it may be time to seek further help from a mental health professional.