(WXYZ) — In tonight's 7 UpFront segment we're taking a look at an upcoming celebration of the City of Detroit.
We're being joined by the Director of the upcoming Detroit Homecoming Mary Kramer to about its return.
You can see the full interview in the video player above.
"I kinda co-hatched it with Jim Hayes in 2014 when Detroit was in bankruptcy, so this is our 8th year and we are actually psyched about doing something live, safely but live," Kramer says. "We have more than a hundred ex-pats, and that's the word that we use to describe people who grew up in this area, or worked here at one point, or went to school here, and then had their success outside of Detroit. And we want to reintroduce them to all the great things that are happening in Detroit now, and hopefully get them to reinvest or be a part of the city's revitalization in some way."