(WXYZ) — In tonight's 7 UpFront segment we're examining the issue of voter suppression in Michigan and across the country.
We're being joined by Eliza Sweren-Becker from the Brennan Center for Justice, a national non-partisan law and policy institute, to talk about it.
You can see the full interview in the video player above.
"There is indeed a wave of voter suppression efforts in the states across the country and we've seen these laws pass in places like Georgia, Iowa, Florida, Arizona, and several other states as well, and there are many bills still pending that would make it harder for Americans to vote," Sweren-Becker says. "And the vast majority of these bills are being advanced under the pretext that there was some sort of election irregularity, or there was some sort of problems with our elections that need to be fixed. But, the fact is that is not the case. Our elections last year were the most secure in American history and there is no problem with widespread voter fraud or election irregularity in this country. And, so that rationale is just a pretext, it's a lie, to make it harder for Americans to cast their ballots."