(WXYZ) — In tonight's 7 UpFront segment we're taking a closer look at the ramifications of Russia's attack on Ukraine.
Joining us to talk about it is University of Michigan professor and retired U.S. ambassador Melvyn Levitsky.
You can see the full interview in the video player above.
"I'm not sure what enough is. (Putin) has already violated every international treaty, including the UN charter by invading," Levitsky says. "This has international implications, not just European implications because if he gets away with this and installs a government that friendly to Russia a number of countries around the world are going to be worried about what their neighbors' attitudes towards them might be. So it goes beyond US national interests and, of course, European interests. It's a global interest to have this pushed back. Now, the question of what we do and how we do it, with regards to sanctions or other kinds of actions is a policy matter that will have to be decided by the administration, but the response is going to have to be quite strong."