(WXYZ) — Michigan is making progress in the fight against COVID-19, but the threat still remains - even as some restrictions begin to loosen.
In tonight's 7 UpFront segment we're being joined by Director of Infectious Diseases Research at Beaumont Health Dr. Matthew Sims to talk about it.
You can see the full interview in the video player above.
"There are still a lot of people not vaccinated," Sims says. "And, of course, the numbers are really looking at 16 plus, we've just started vaccinating the 12 to 15-year-olds, so those numbers are not quite as clear, and of course there's everybody under 12 who hasn't been vaccinated yet. While they, generally, don't get very sick from the virus, they can certainly get sick and spread the virus. I have trust in the vaccine. I have trust in the data that has been generated that says the vaccine works. So I think that the people who have been fully vaccinated are well protected. That said, the people who are not vaccinated still don't have any protection and can get infected. So, they still need to take the precaution of wearing masks when appropriate, avoiding being in big crowds unmasked, and being careful."