DETROIT (WXYZ) — An uncle-nephew small business duo is putting out a call to help find their stolen construction equipment. On surveillance video, you can see individuals attach the equipment to their own vehicle and take off in broad daylight on Jan. 16.
The Bobcat skid steer and trailer used to get it around that were taken from the area of Joy Road and Greenfield Avenue are worth to be around $125,000.
Watch the surveillance video below:
“It’s heartbreaking to say the least. It just sucks 'cause you work so hard for things and then somebody comes and takes it," owner of Care General Construction Erik Thomas said.

Thomas specializes in kitchen and bathroom remodeling with his company. He and his uncle, Shawn Young, are partners. Young runs Renew Plumbing & Construction, working on projects with the city of Detroit and DTE Energy.
Both Young and Thomas use the Bobcat T66 for jobs and now, they’re both missing out on job opportunities because of the theft.

“We have jobs set up already for the equipment to be used, so it’s critical at this point," Young said.
You can see in the surveillance video a group of individuals pull up to Thomas' grandmother's home when no one was there in the middle of the day. The Bobcat was being stored on its trailer. You can see the group of individuals secure the machinery onto their truck and take off.
“When someone takes something like that, it’s like alright, figure something else out, but it sucks," Young added.

They hope someone recognizes the truck in the surveillance video and calls it in.
Detroit police are investigating. If you know anything or recognize the truck, call police or Renew Plumbing & Construction at 313-352-9252 or Care General Construction at 248-702-5906.