

Viral meningitis reported at Cass Technical High School

and last updated

Parents of Cass Technical High School students received a letter Tuesday notifying them that a case of viral meningitis has been reported at the school. 

"We are evaluating the situation to determine any risk to other students and you will be contacted if preventative measures are deemed necessary for your child," the letter read. 

The viral infection causes symptoms such as a sudden onset of fever, headache, stiff neck, vomiting, rash or confusion. It's spread through contact with an infected person's oral or nasal secretions, meaning saliva or mucous. 

According to a news release, both district and school administrations are working with the Detroit Health Department in response to the situation. 

If you have concerns that your child may be infected, contact your healthcare provider, as only a doctor can diagnose meningitis. If you have concerns regarding this specific case at Cass Technical High School, you may direct those concerns to the school's office at 313-263-2000.

Read the school letter below: 

Viral meningitis can be caused by several types of viruses and is the most common type of meningitis. The illness is rarely serious and it usually causes fewer long lasting problems than the bacterial form of meningitis. Symptoms may include sudden onset of fever, headache, stiff neck, vomiting, rash, or confusion. The disease is spread through contact with an infected person’s oral or nasal secretions, meaning saliva or mucous. Only a health care provider can diagnose meningitis. Children or adults exhibiting symptoms of meningitis should be evaluated by a health care provider immediately. 
We are evaluating the situation to determine any risk to other students and you will be contacted if preventative measures are deemed necessary for your child.  Generally, no treatment is necessary when in contact with an individual with viral meningitis.  As always, students and families should continue to practice routine methods for preventing illness such as ensuring that all students are up to date on their vaccinations, eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of sleep, staying home from school while sick, practicing good hand hygiene by washing for a minimum of 20 seconds using soap and warm running water after using the bathroom and before eating, and always sneezing or coughing into sleeves or tissues and immediately discarding used tissues in the trash. 
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s health, please contact your child’s health care provider.   Any additional concerns specific to this reported case can be directed to the school office by calling (313) 263-2000.