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Community outrage grows over drivers disregarding school bus laws

'It’s very upsetting quite honestly.'
and last updated

(WXYZ) — Drivers ignoring school bus laws are not unique to Livonia, but parents and school bus drivers in the area told me they are frustrated with their neighbors putting their children's lives at risk, especially because of how unpredictable children can be sometimes.

“You never know if they’re going to dart around or if they drop something… but it’s law," said Sheryl Miller, a concerned grandmother.

WATCH: Video shows close call at bus stop in Bloomfield Township

WATCH: Video shows close call at bus stop in Bloomfield Township

After seeing some of the videos taken by parents, I decided to hop on a bus and see what has been going on from a bus driver perspective.

Gail Ansara is a bus driver for Livonia Public Schools and a mother to a child who rides the bus. She explained to me that she has people disrespect the school bus stop sign every day on her routes.

Extended interview: Bus driver talks about what driver behavior she sees

'Everyone's in a hurry.' Bus driver shares her experience with drivers disregarding school bus laws

“With all the windows that we have, we have the advantage to see. We see a lot of people on their phones, distracted," said Gail.

During my short time riding with the kids and Gail on the bus, I too witnessed someone fly past the bus, with no regard for the red flashing lights or the stop sign arm signaling for drivers to stop.

Parents and bus drivers of Livonia students tell me they are frustrated at the lack of care and consideration for their children by their neighbors.

“It’s very upsetting… it’s very upsetting quite honestly,” said Sheryl.

Matthew said, "they don't care."

Sgt. Paul Walters with the Livonia Police Department's Traffic Bureau says there are very strict laws regarding bus stops that officers are working to enforce to keep students safe.

“Michigan state law requires all school buses to come to a complete stop when they are stopped on the roadway with their red flashers on and their stop sign extended ... it’s $270 and three points on your license if you pass a bus with red flashers on and stop sign extended," said Sgt. Walters.

Check out this information from the State of Michigan:

School Bus Zone & Danger Zone
Anyone who can touch the bus with an outstretched arm is TOO CLOSE to the bus!

School bus safety tips for drivers:

  • Prepare to stop when a slowing bus has its overhead yellow lights flashing
  • Stop at least 20 feet away from buses when red lights are flashing, unless driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway
  • Slow down in or near school and residential areas
  • Look for clues-such as safety patrols, crossing guards, bicycles, and playgrounds-that indicate children might be in the area
  • Watch for children between parked cars and other objects

School buses are like traffic signals:

  • When overhead lights are flashing yellow: Prepare to stop
  • When overhead lights are flashing red: Stop
  • When hazard warning lights are flashing: Proceed with caution

School bus safety tips for students:

  • Always stay in sight of the bus driver
  • Don't hurry off the bus; check traffic first
  • Don't go back to the bus after exiting