(WXYZ) — Millions of Americans are waking up on Monday morning feeling a little tired after the Super Bowl on Sunday, and it's a debate we have every single year: Should the Super Bowl be moved to Saturday, or should people get the day after the Super Bowl off?
I went out and spoke to people to see what their thoughts were.
"I think it's more fitting on Sunday. We play football on Sunday. Sunday is that given day," Kenneth Wright said.

"They probably should change it to a Monday holiday and make it a day off," Michael Hunter said.

"If you can make it to where we can be paid on that Monday, yeah, but just to be off," Steve Smith said.

Watching the game is a tradition, no matter what team you're rooting for, so I hit up a local barber shop where they were many different opinions.
"Late night, kick back and football, that's how a lot of my Sundays go," James Johnson said.

"You're going to get call-offs, low productivity," Hunter added. "Just think if our Lions would've went, our city would have been shut down."
"Different areas of business can't really party on Sunday because they have to be at work on Monday," Smith said.
"I think Monday is an incredible day. Everyone is blah, back to work and everything," Dajuan Rich said.