Everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's day, right? Well, according to some Detroiters, St.Patrick's Day is just "one of those holidays" that seems to unite people from all walks of life.
Some chose to celebrate by starting their day off at mass and then enjoying fellowship with their friends after church.
“It starts with mass every year here at Holy Trinity Church, and it’s just a really great way to ground yourself in the things that matter the most, which is your faith," Livonia Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan said.

Some chose to celebrate with their families over a traditional Irish dinner.
“I usually celebrate with my family," Deacon Aaron Poyer of Most Holy Trinity Church said. "We always have corn beef and get together with the family, usually in the evening."

Others chose to spend their holiday partying it up with their friends.
“Go to the parade and then hang out and have a couple of beers with friends," Salmata Alghali said.
There was one common theme in everyone's answer when I talked to them: the holiday brings people together.