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GUIDE: Housing resources in metro Detroit

Housing Assistance graphic
Posted 4:20 PM, Feb 16, 2024
and last updated 4:45 PM, Feb 16, 2024

We know there are people struggling across metro Detroit, but we want you to know you are not alone.

Whether you’re searching for mental health resources, financial assistance, housing assistance or more, WXYZ is here to direct you to local organizations that can help with life’s unexpected challenges.

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Below you’ll find housing resources across metro Detroit and relevant contact information.

If your organization would like to be included in the list, please email us at

Michigan State Housing Development Authority

517-335-9885 or 313-456-3540

The MSHDA provides support for homebuyers, home owners and those who are renting, as well as homeless and special housing programs.

Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency

(248) 209-2640

The OLHSA supports Oakland and Livingston County residents who are looking for assistance in removing the burdens of poverty.

Macomb Community Action


MCA is part of a national network of over 1,000 organizatiosn that help people move from poverty to economic stability and self sufficiency. 

Monroe County Opportunity Program


MCOP provides assistance saving a home, offering in-home services and doing everything they can to reduce the effects of poverty and improve quality of live.

Community Housing Network - Housing Resource Center

(248) 269-1335

THe CHN Housing Resource Center is a one-stop shop to help people with housing needs, including community resources and programs providing housing assistance, affordable housing options, information on long-term housing options and subsidized housing and more. 

Blue Water Community Action

(810) 982-8541

BWCA provides services including foreclosure prevention, pre-purchase home-buying counseling, housing assistance for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, weatherization assistance and more.

Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND)

(313) 305-0311

HAND is a resource in Detroit working for solutions to end the problem of homelessness and advocating on behalf of those who are homeless. They oversee the community’s Homeless Management Information System) to ensure accurate information on homelessness in the community. 

Wayne Metropolitan CAA

(734) 284-6999

WMCAA provides education classes on budgeting and credit, landlord tenant rights, housing stability and more. They also have a Supportive Housing & Homeless Service program that aims to empower individuals and families experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness.

Community Health Awareness Group


CHAG has homeless and emergency housing resources that are meant to help people find shelter and housing. They also help with financial assistance, transitional housing, eviction prevention and more.

Detroit Housing Commission


The DHC works to provide quality affordable housing in a safe living environment for low and moderate income families and people in metro Detroit. They also provide rental assistance.

United Community Housing Coalition


The UCHC helps low-income residents stay int heir homes through representation, support and ownership. They also aim to prevent eviction, foreclosure and homelessness in Detroit.

More guides below

  Wayne County Community Resource Guide by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd

  Oakland County Resources from McLaren Health by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd

  Macomb County Resource Guide from McLaren Health by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd