(WXYZ — Back to School is on the mind for a lot of people, and with that often comes illnesses.
With school around the corner, that's a question a lot of people are asking after seeing marketing for flu vaccines, so we took the question to a local pharmacist.
Prepping for illnesses goes hand in hand with Back to School prep.

"I do have a couple of older kids," one parent told us. "Lots of germs (with) lots of different kids around."
The signs advertising flu vaccinations are already out.

"Walgreens for sure, I've seen a lot of them," said a customer we spoke with. "I don't think there's really a time period, I think if you get it definitely before the Fall."
So should you go ahead and get your child vaccinated now before they hit the classroom?

"It is definitely a bit too early right now," said pharmacist Rudy Najm, who is telling his patients to wait. "In August it's summertime, you don't want to ruin your Summer, enjoy (it) on the beach."
And according to the CDC, we typically see most flu between October and May.
"The closer you get to the flu season, the more long-lasting protection you're going to get," Najm told us.
Najm says immunity usually lasts six months, so if you get a shot now, you could be exposed by January and at risk.
"You start seeing these signs popping up everywhere saying 'get your flu shot'", Najm said. "I feel like it's more of a race to grab market shares, it's becoming like a money maker. 'Hey let's get this customer before he goes to another, gets it somewhere else.'"
Here at iPharmacy in Livonia, they haven't seen any flu cases yet, and plan to start vaccinating in September-October. But there is one exception for those on the metaphorical school front lines: teachers.
"You work in the school system, you are the first one to get exposed," Najm said. "Get your flu shot in August."
One less task for parents to add to their school list, at least for now.