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How Metro Detroiters feel about companies forcing employees back into the office


DETROIT (WXYZ) — As we transition into a new era of work, many companies like General Motors and Amazon are making a bold move: they’re calling more employees back to the office, leaving behind the hybrid and remote models that became so common during the pandemic.

What do workers in Metro Detroit think about that? I spoke with folks who work from home, have a hybrid work schedule, and those who are in the office five days a week.

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"This whole hybrid thing has affected the younger professionals the most," said Ben Ridderbos, who works in the office five days a week.

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"I've been working from home for four years, so I did work in an office full-time in an office before that," said Lydia Ottivano.

Working from home full-time or even having a hybrid schedule could be a thing of the past, as companies are now looking at the bigger picture as to how their organization and workers are managing their time.

Amazon is one of those companies forcing employees back into the office full-time, starting in the New Year, saying it creates a more collaborative environment.

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Chip Lupo is a writer and analyst at, and says he is starting to see the trend of companies requesting their workers be back in the office for several reasons.

"It's a lot harder to monitor employee progress when you're at your desk and when you're not at your desk," Chip said. "People are getting a little comfortable and maybe being noticed that the productivity isn't there as it once was before, when everyone was in the offices."

Ridderbos works in Downtown Detroit, and is in the office five days a week, but he says the company does have a hybrid work schedule, but says that things are changing.

"We are starting to implement coming back into the office more often, so we call them All Hands Days, so Monday and Wednesday everybody is there," Ben said.

"I think I am a lot more productive being able to balance my work-life and the rest of my life, because I can do things that make me be productive and let me take a break from work during the day, but also let me be productive in my home life.

"Did you have a better work-life balance at home, or a better work-life balance in the office?" I asked Analu Jahi, who works in the office five days a week.

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"I think there was something to get used to, but I would say it's about the same," Analu said.

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"I am not sure yet, but either way I'd be happy because I work for a pretty good company, so I am thankful either way," said Makaya Hall, a hybrid worker.

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