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'It's very scary.' Waterford Township neighbors want solutions for curve after multiple crashes

Curve crashes
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(WXYZ) — People in a Waterford Township neighborhood say they can't get drivers to stop crashing into their property.

The homes are near W. Walton and Silverhill Dr.

People living there say there's been two crashes in the last two months. The latest crash happened over the weekend and left behind thousands of dollars in damage.

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Waterford Township resident Anita Campbell speaks with 7 News Detroit about a dangerous curve in her neighborhood road.

"(The driver) comes off the road, lands about here and you can then see the trail that goes right to my house," said Anita Campbell whose home was hit early Sunday morning. "This curve right here, even though there’s the arrow signage, it doesn’t seem to deter people from speeding. We think that a guardrail would be appropriate but we’ve heard that could be even more dangerous and wouldn’t really stop distracted driving but there must be some solution."

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Drone video shows the car path after recent crash

Campbell says the crash happened around 1:30 a.m. but she was out of town at the time. When she got back home, she saw her mailbox, landscaping and garage had been hit by the driver. There was also visible damage to her neighbors yard where the car landed after going airborne.

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Damage left behind after a driver ran into a garage in Waterford Twp over the weekend.

Campbell says in a similar wreck years ago her son's parked car was totaled and just last month her neighbors home was hit by another driver that lost control.

"It's very scary. I have friends and family that are concerned about coming to my house and parking here in my driveway. My neighbor is concerned when she goes to get her mail. She's looking out. We're constantly looking out for traffic to come right off the road because it happens so often," said Campbell. "Someone needs to take a hard look, do a hard evaluation and figure out how to prevent this. We shouldn’t have to live like this. We shouldn’t have to have these expenses."

7 News Detroit took those concerns directly to the Oakland County Road Commission.

"We’ve looked at all the crash reports for the last five years. We’ve found there were four crashes in five years, all of them caused by driver error either too fast or reckless driving," said Craig Bryson. "We've got all the police reports. We're studying what happened to determine if there's things we could do to prevent those crashes."

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Bryson says the road commission is looking at the possibility of adding flashing lights, more signs or friction surfacing to alert drivers to the curve.

"We are looking at all the possibilities. Our biggest concern though is we don't want to do something that solves one problem but creates another problem that is more dangerous," said Bryson.

Waterford Township neighbors say they'd like to see some kind of solution before someone gets hurt.

"I love being here. I love being on the lake, great neighbors and everything. It's just kind of a dangerous spot that I'd love to see something happen," said Campbell.

The Oakland County Road Commission says it will be at least a few weeks before they can complete their research and decide exactly how they'll be tackling the issue in the neighborhood.

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