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Kids give advice to kids ahead of the school year

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ROYAL OAK, Mich. (WXYZ) — Summer Break is officially coming to an end for kids all across Metro Detroit and in the coming days, they will be starting their next chapter.

So as your official 7 News Detroit advice gathering reporter, I found six kids of all different ages who gave some really good advice.

"Why is it important not to go in scared?" I asked Jackson Phillips.

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"I think if you go in scared, you're just going to be scared, and you're not going to do as well," Jackson said. "I know that has happened to me a lot where you go into your first year scared and then the teacher calls on you and you're freaking out."

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"Bring your stuff to class," said Violet Duenow. "Like your pencils and your folders and your notebooks, because if you forget them you probably need them for class and your teacher might now have them for you."

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Elliot is going into high school, but before middle school, he had to practice something that took me years to work on: locker combinations.

"Once you do it after a couple years, it gets easier," Elliot said. "The best way to get better at it is to practice it like a lot."

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Here's some simple advice: "Don't get in trouble," William Hardy told me.

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"I think you should not be afraid and be nice and make friends," said Kennedy Phillips. "If someone is sad or if someone is scared because they don't have any friends, you can go and cheer them up and say 'do you want to play with me and my friends?'"

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"If you're nice you can make lots of friends," said Daniel Hardy.

When asked for one piece of advice someone shared with him about high school, Elliot said to "try a lot of activities and sports."

"You just got to be calm, don't freak out, that is my advice," Jackson said.

My pieces of advice for any kids reading this: say your please and thank yous, and make sure you do know your combination to your lock on your locker.

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