(WXYZ) — Every holiday comes with its own set of traditions and superstitions, and welcoming the new year is special for many people as a chance to reset and look forward to what’s to come in the year ahead.
The New Year is a new start for a lot of people.
"We usually just do a little family balloon pop and sit around and have a little sparkling juice together," Casey Aaron told us. "The five of us."

Except for some, there are traditions many carry with them year after year.
"I don't take down my Christmas lights until New Year's Day because I feel it's a bad omen," Kim Westerman says. "You know, I like to keep them up. I'll take my tree down, but not the lights."

And while many end the year with the old.
"We get together with friends," Valerie Hayhurst says. "We've been doing it for probably five, six years with the same group of friends and all of us."

They are also looking forward to what 2025 holds for them.
"Spend time with my family."
"Go back to school!"
"I'm excited for my birthday and my brother's birthday and my. Mom's birthday coming up. And I have lots of ice skating going on."

"I'm excited to do more things with my kids," Aaron says. "We've been doing a lot more traveling, so I'm excited to see where we'll go in 2025.'
'She skates the lot. So, to see her grow. My son's in soccer. So, to watch him play," Hayhurst says. "But just how? Health and happiness, I guess. I mean, 24, I think, was a rough year for a lot of people. So just a new, another new year. Fresh start."
"I'm hoping that we get more unity in our communities, you know, to where families aren't struggling this much," Hayhurst says. "Because my family and my daughters and my son, they've all struggled. And I - it's we need a change, certainly. And that's what I'm praying for the most."
But regardless of their wishes and hopes for the year, Detroiters tell me they are happy the community could come together to have a Happy New Year!