SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (WXYZ) — Now that the election is over, we wanted to find out what Donald Trump supporters are most excited about for the next four years, a presidential term that has Harris supporters on edge.
"I’m still disappointed,” J.J. Rosemond said.

“My man won,” Willie Wright said.

As Donald Trump prepares to take on a second term as the country’s 47th president, metro Detroiters we spoke with expressed mixed feelings.
“It’s not really a surprise to me really,” Bryson Ballard said. "When he got president last time, the world changed drastically. I don’t really know what to expect.”

“Let’s give him a chance,” Mark Plasters said. “I think you’ll see the stock market go back up because he’s going to flourish and make more jobs and more money and money flow.”

Trump supporters, like Plasters and Jerry Biggs, said they are hopeful for a better economy with Trump in charge.
“Being on just Social Security, it’s a major problem because in the time you pay your bills and when you end up with a few hundred dollars to live on," Biggs said.
Harris supporters, like Kimberly Jackson, were mostly concerned with female reproductive rights.
“I don’t think anybody has the right to decide what a woman does with her body or what anyone does with their body, so we just have to continue to pray about it that’s all," Jackson said.

One thing everyone we spoke with did agree on though was that it is time to come together as a country.
“We have to get along a little better," Plasters said.
“He can’t make it good — the people have to make it good," Biggs said.
“We just have to keep moving forward," Jackson said.