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More metro Detroiters are moving back in with their parents. Here's why some of them did

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DETROIT (WXYZ) — New research is showing what many of us probably already know. More and more young adults are choosing to, or have to, live at home with their parents.

It turns out, many young adults in America say the bills are just too high. I went and spoke with young adults in our communities about how the seemingly unattainable cost of living is affecting them.

According to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 1/3 of adults between the ages of 18-34 are living with their parents.

I asked people in our community their reaction to the news. The overwhelming response?

Honestly low. I would expect it to be a higher number," a man named Conner told us. He lives with his wife and a roommate.

"I think that’s a good idea because of obviously financial reasons," Jay Velivela said. He lives on his own.

"It’s expensive to live out here. You either have to work one or two jobs," Desiree Wilson, who has a roommate, said.

"I think I have a brother who’s like 30, he still lives with us," Markos Halaq, who lives with his parents, said.

"Why did you make that choice to stay living with your parents?" I asked Imani Forbers.

"Mostly because of affordability," she said.

Throughout the country and in Southeast Michigan, the high cost of living has many young adults choosing to, or being forced to live with their parents or roommates.

"I don’t think it’s as easy as from previous generations," Forbers added.

I also posted on Facebook asking for your thoughts.

Judy Payton told us each of her three children have moved in and out three times.

Kevin commented his kid is living at home to try and save up for a down payment on a home.

Joyce said people don't know how to save money, and they spend on unnecessary things and rent is way too much.

Karen commented to stop enabling these adults.

Laura commented that her 35-year-old son still lives with her. She said it still works for them and she said she's so tired of hearing "shouldn't he be on his own?"

Do you have any friends who chose to stay living at home?" I asked.

"I do have a lot of friends that chose to stay at home," Velivela added.

"Maybe for a few months but not long," Riley Osterholl said.

"Not worth it to you?" I asked.

"I mean I love my family but sometimes it’s time to go," Osterholl said.

A recent Pew Research Center study shows that many parents are now helping to financially support their kids into their 20s and 30s as well.

Young adults in metro Detroit say that for many of them, the student loans and high housing costs are just too much.

"Most of my friends live with family members, I can only think of one friend who has their own place and it’s rented," Conner said.

"Would you consider moving back home to save money?" I asked Velivela.

"I would, that is something I was talking to my parents about," he said.