DETROIT (WXYZ) — Detroit has a rich sports culture that ignites passion among fans. Many argue that the resilience of Detroit's teams and their fans sets the city apart, creating a unique identity in the sports world.
From the Red Wings' late season rally to the Tigers' historic playoff run and the Lions becoming an unstoppable force, I asked Detroiters what makes Detroit the best sports city. They said the fans.

"Between the bad boys, hockey town, we got history bro we've been doing this," said Juanzel Smith.

"We've endured so much you know we have seen titles come and go," said David Manciel. "We have gone a long time without them but we never gave up on our teams."

"We went through the hard times as a whole city and the resurgence is coming back up as you can see," said Dionicio Benavides.
From historic World Series wins, banner raising seasons, Stanley Cup Championship wins to the Lions now going 9-1 for the first time since 1934, there's something special about these teams, it's not just about the teams. It's the fans who have stuck with them during the worst and best years that make Detroit the best sports city. Jim Costa with 97.1 The Ticket explains.

"Detroit sports fans are passionate fans and when it's bad they'll let you hear it," Costa said. "This sports city absolutely loves it's teams, will support them, and sometimes they're angry and critical but it's from tough love."
Those fans are from all over the world like Josh and his friend, who came all the way from England to see the Detroit Lions.

"I love the word grit. So that is the thing it makes me associate with the team so much even being so far away and i think the city exceeds it all the time," said Josh Haofoot from London.
And other fans from across the country as far west as Montana.

"In Detroit and Michigan as a whole, we just want our teams to win, and I think everyone rises up to that occasion," said Hayley Mitchell from Montana.

"I would have to say it is the best sports city and, you know like Hayley said, the fans. The fans make it the best," said Peyton Mitchell from Montana
"It's the fans, it's the culture, the history, it's everything," Juanzel said. "Everything originates from Detroit, everyone steals their swag from us, whether it's Atlanta, Houston, Cali, the Bay, they get everything from us."

"Detroit has some of the most loyal fans that there is in the U.S., and for that reason, we are probably the best city for sports in the U.S.," said Maya K'eddine.
"The fans not only the fans here but where they go our fans are traveling everywhere," Dionicio said.
"To my city, to all the Detroit fans, it's the get-after movement, this is what we do, lets get it." David said.