(WXYZ) — With the excitement of the holidays in full swing and shopping underway, many people are looking ahead to what can make or break the joy of giving: wrapping it.
I hit the streets of downtown Birmingham to see how well people can wrap their presents for the holidays. I brought a table, some wrapping paper, boxes and put people to the test.
"Very much my weak point. I just go for the gift bags," Lexi Dorphman said.
"I used to wrap so many gifts when my kids were young," Lynn Stenback said.
"I have kind of become the famous wrapper in the family," Julia Walker added.
"I can definitely do a better job but hey, it's made with love," Sophia Gunterman said.
The Gunterman family was the first to try the wrapping challenge as a team. Jane and Sophia worked together.

"A big bow is a lot harder to tie, like my mom, said because of the wire in it," Sophia said.
Next up was Walker, who took over the table. Julia was in the wrapping zone.

"It's just a good time. I enjoy it," she told us.
Dorfman was curious what we were doing, so she accepted the challenge, but needed a little help and challenged me.

Then, it was Stenback's turn and she is meticulous as to how the final product looks.
"I like really crisp corners and real tidy and no wrinkles or crinkles or anything like that," she said.

We took them to an expert to get them judged. Abby Treat works at the Paper Source. She said Julia's was the best!