(WXYZ) — As spring break approaches and metro Detroiters gear up to get out of town, we wanted to know what drives people crazy when it comes to other airplane passengers.
Related: As Spring Break travel amps up, people share their no-no's for plane etiquette
Whether it's passengers kicking your seat or clipping their nails, everyone has a pet peeve.
Here's what bugs metro Detroiters when their soaring high in the sky.
"Okay, so I was just on an airplane going to Naples, Florida in January, and these people behind me were on the phone the whole entire time. And it was very annoying to hear the whole conversation for 3.5 hours," Brieanna Sucharski said.

"We was on our way to Hawaii, and, the man next to me kicked the shoes off and all I could do was just look at him, and he was just enjoying herself, relaxed and everything. That made me a little upset," Sonia Harper added.

"The most annoying thing is me on a plane is I can't sleep. I'm awake the whole time, so from takeoff, the landing is just, I, I guess I know myself the whole time, and then seeing other people fall asleep, it's like, how can you can like take off and you're out, and then you land. You wake up. It's like, that would be annoying to me. It's like, how come you have that ability? I don't," Paul Schultz said.

"I would say, snore. Loud talking," Deidra Williams said.

"When a little kid kicks the back of my seat and a toddler kept kicking my seat, mom didn't stop them at all," Dana Zimmer said.

"I remember we were flying back from we were out west and, somebody took their seat and just wound it all the way back, almost into my lap," Jim Witmer added.

"I could rant about the flight attendants. They were talking the whole entire flights. We were like the last row on the plane, and they were having a conversation the whole time, laughing obnoxiously so that was annoying," Sucharski added.