If your neighborhood street looks more like a river, there are some important things to keep in mind as the floodwaters recede. Some mistakes people make:
- Some will let their kids play or swim in the floodwater.
The Oakland County Health Department issued an alert early Tuesday morning warning families not to expose children to floodwaters. It could contain hazardous waste or raw sewerage. Water could also be deeper than it appears, posing a drowning risk for young children.
- Some will forget to have their private well tested for water safety.
The Oakland County Health Department encourages anyone in a flooded area to have their private well tested before drinking, cooking or bathing in well water.
- Some will forget to turn off gas and electricity in flooded homes.
Appliances can be damaged by water. Gases can build up, so be sure to open windows to allow for proper ventilation.
- Some will wait to begin cleaning up flooded basements.
Ready.gov, a federal emergency preparedness website, recommends immediately removing any porous items that have been wet for more than 48 hours. This includes carpet, padding, wallpaper and ceiling tiles.
- Some will hire contractors without checking references.
Scams tend to pop up during natural disasters. Be wary of hiring anyone driving through neighborhoods offering repair services.
For more flooding safety and repair tips, read below: