Although the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the unemployment rate dipped to 3.5% in September, inflation also remained near a 40-year high. As a result, many families are living paycheck to paycheck. While the IRS has made adjustments that could mean lower tax rates for many next year, the federal government has no plans to send out more stimulus checks.
However, 20 states have or will dole out some type of financial relief to certain residents. These payments are not on par with federal stimulus checks provided for pandemic relief, but they could help households struggling to put food on the table. Find out if your state is sending out stimulus money and, if so, who is eligible to receive it.

The state’s Middle Class Tax Refund is part of an inflation relief package in California’s budget agreement. The state government began issuing direct deposits into millions of Californians’ bank accounts and mailing debit cards on Oct. 24. Eligible residents will receive a one-time payment of up to $1,050.
Residents can determine their eligibility and find out how much they can expect to receive on the California Franchise Tax Board website.
Colorado’s governor signed a law in May giving residents a tax rebate of $750 for individual filers and $1,500 for joint filers. Checks were issued in September for those who filed their 2021 returns by June 30. Payments will be issued by Jan. 31, 2023, for anyone who received an extension and filed by Oct. 17.
If you have questions, call the Colorado Cash Back Call Center at 303-951-4996.

Residents who claimed at least one child as a dependent on their 2021 federal income tax return and meet certain income thresholds were eligible to receive a child tax rebate of $250 per child for up to three children. The application period closed on July 31, 2022, and checks were disbursed in August.
The 2022 Delaware Relief Rebate Program is a one-time direct payment of $300 per adult Delaware resident. Beginning Nov. 1, 2022, adult Delawareans who were over age 18 and living in the state on Dec. 31, 2021, may apply online.
The application period will be 30 days and ends on Nov. 30. No rebates will be sent until all applications have been reviewed. For more details, visit the Delaware Department of Finance website.
The state sent one-time payments of $450 per child to 59,000 families this summer. The Department of Children and Families selected recipients receiving benefits from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. This program is administered by the state and funded by federal dollars.

In May, Georgia’s governor announced that the state’s Department of Revenue would issue special, one-time tax refunds that were a result of a revenue surplus from taxes in the year 2020. The maximum amount received would be $250 for those who filed as singles, $375 for head of household filers and $500 for married individuals who file joint returns based on an individual’s tax liability.
Refunds were issued by early August for everyone who had filed 2021 taxes by April 18, 2022. For more information, you can call the department at 877-423-6711.
Approximately 600,000 Hawaii taxpayers who earned less than $100,000 a year ($200,000 for couples) were scheduled to receive tax refunds of $300 each, including dependents. Taxpayers who earned $100,000 or more ($200,000 for couples) were slated to get $100 each. Residents must file their 2021 tax returns by Dec. 31, 2022, to qualify.
The first refunds were delivered in mid-September via direct deposit. Paper checks are expected to be sent out by the end of October.

Tax rebate checks were approved during a special session of the Idaho Legislature in September. Eligible residents will receive a minimum of $300 for individuals and $600 for joint filers. These rebates for people who filed their taxes on time this year are already being sent out.
The governor said all rebates should arrive by Thanksgiving. You can check the status of your rebate using the state’s Where’s My Rebate tool.
The state is sending out rebates for income taxes and property taxes. Residents who made less than $200,000 in 2021 ($400,000 for couples) will receive $50 each and $100 per dependent for up to three dependents. Those who claimed property tax credit could receive up to $300 as well.
The first rebates were distributed the week of Sept. 12. State officials estimated it would take up to seven weeks to distribute the funds fully.
Eligible residents should receive refund checks of up to $325 by Nov. 1. Joint filers can receive up to $650. The payments may come as one check, two separate checks or a check combined with a direct deposit payment
For more information, visit the Indiana Department of Revenue website.

The state is providing Pandemic Relief Payments to eligible residents: those who earned less than $100,000 if filing single, $150,000 if filing as head of household or $200,000 as a couple filing jointly in 2021. These taxpayers received $850 per person or $1,700 for a married couple. The first round of relief checks was mailed in June 2022, and the remainder will be delivered through the end of the year as returns are received.
For more information, call Maine Revenue Services at 207-624-9924 or check your status on the COVID Pandemic Relief Payment portal.
In August, the governor announced some Massachusetts residents would receive one-time rebates. Although all the details are not known yet, it looks like the rebate will be equivalent to approximately 13% of resident’s state-based personal income tax liability for 2021.
You can use the online refund estimator provided by the Executive Office for Administration and Finance to see what you might expect to receive. More details and initial payments are expected in November.
New Jersey
New Jersey homeowners with a maximum household income of $150,000 can receive $1,500, and homeowners with an income between $150,000-$250,000 will receive $1,000. Renters with a maximum household income of $150,000 can receive $450, provided they meet eligibility guidelines.
You must apply for payment through the Division of Taxation’s ANCHOR program. The deadline is Dec. 30, 2022. Payments will be issued as checks or direct deposits beginning in late spring of 2023.

New Mexico
In July, New Mexico began sending out economic relief payments to residents. Married couples, heads of household and surviving spouses with an adjusted gross income of up to $150,000 received $500 and single taxpayers with an adjusted gross income of up to $75,000 received $250.
If you believe you should have received a payment but didn’t, call the Taxation and Revenue Call Center at 866-285-2996.
New York
Homeowners in the state received property tax rebates of up to $1,050. Checks were expected to be delivered in June. Eligibility results from having an income less than or equal to $250,000 for 2020 and qualifying for a School Tax Relief benefit that year that comes to less than your school tax liability.
If you did not receive a check, you can find out about eligibility and other information on the New York Department of Taxation and Finance website.
In March, state lawmakers approved one-time stimulus payments for certain low-income workers. Residents who claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit in 2020 received $600 payments delivered by July 31, 2022.
If you have questions about the payments, call the Oregon Department of Revenue at 800-356-4222.

Pennsylvania is offering one-time tax rebates for certain low-income homeowners and renters. The standard amount for the rebate is $650, but qualifying homeowners can get that boosted up to $975. The rebate program benefits residents age 65 and older, widows and widowers age 50 and older and people with disabilities aged 18 and older who meet specific income requirements.
You can apply online on the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue website or call 888-222-9190. The application deadline is Dec. 31, 2022
Rhode Island
In August, the governor announced that eligible Rhode Island families would receive up to $250 per child for a maximum of three children as part of the fiscal year 2023 budget. The state started issuing the payments on Oct. 3, 2022, for individuals making up to $100,000 and joint filers making up to $200,000 No application is required.
Check the status of your rebate on the state’s Division of Taxation website.
South Carolina
State residents can receive up to a $700 tax rebate, approved in June; the rebate amount is determined by your tax liability up to a certain amount. For most taxpayers, the South Carolina Department of Revenue will issue rebates in the same manner tax refunds were distributed, such as direct deposit, paper check or debit card.
Find out eligibility requirements and more on the SCDOR website.

Earlier this year, the state’s General Assembly passed a law earlier this year giving taxpayers with a liability a rebate of up to $250 for individual filers and up to $500 for joint filers. Rebates were issued by Oct. 17 for residents who filed taxes before Sept. 5, either by direct deposit or mailed check.
You must file taxes by Nov. 1 to receive the rebate. To check your eligibility, visit the Virginia Tax website.
By Tricia Goss, for Newsy.
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